VIRGO (23/8-23/9)

– Personality: Skillful, devoted, intelligent but very picky

  • Female: Love and loyalty to you are always quiet. You are willing to serve and care for the person you love, but never let your loyalty be taken advantage of. It is usual for you to have shallow relationships before having real love.
  • Man: You can laugh and talk with this woman, but you can do the same thing with another woman. You show your loyalty through expressions of affection and romance. When a relationship becomes deep, you know how to push it out because you are clever.

– Favorite color: Agile and always active. Mercury is the destiny star of Virgo, and so are the Twins—the Virgo sign expressed in smoky gray, white, turquoise, and light green shades.

– Suitable gemstones: Use yellow stones such as citrin (yellow quartz) or yellow agate. Other gemstones, such as amazonite, turquoise, and zircon, are also suitable.

Yellow Agate

Yellow Beryl


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