SAGITTARIUS (23/11-21/12)

– Personality: Visionary, optimistic, comfortable in love and always adventurous

  • Female: You were born under the constellation of Jupiter, so you have a relaxed and passionate personality. Although you always separate love and loyalty, you can maintain both in a stable relationship. You are always sincere with the person you love, even when he is no longer attractive and it is difficult for you to say goodbye.
  • Nam:  Always moving towards big, bold things. So, if the person you love is not part of your adventure story, she can quickly become a thing of the past. You need to be more faithful to what is old and becomes dull.

– Favorite color: The Sagittarius zodiac sign is influenced by Jupiter's philosophy and wisdom, the destiny star that represents development and prosperity. Jupiter's lucky colors are diverse, ranging from yellow, sky blue, pink, light purple, and even regal yellow and orange shades.

Suitable gemstones: Sapphire and chalcedony are the most suitable for you. Other types, including amethyst, colorless quartz, garnet, spinel, and topaz, can also be used.




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