ARIES (21/3 -20/4)

– Personality: Pioneer, vibrant, impulsive and individualistic

  • Female: Ruled by Mars, a planet of desires and actions, you are not the type to waste time. When you love someone, you usually want him right away. Passionate and hot, you are completely faithful when the fire of love is burning. But that fire quickly cooled. Therefore, it is best to marry a husband who always has to work away from home to maintain the fire of love.
  • Nam: You always look at every problem frankly, always follow your instincts without having to think twice. That's why it's easy to get off track. In the long run, being faithful is not your type. However, you will always fight for your rights, especially the rights of your lover. That's why you can also become very loyal if there is a threat from another rival.

Favorite color: Aries element is influenced by Mars. Colors of the Fire element are all red, pink, dark red and dark brown. People of the Aries element are those who rarely let go of their obligations. Brown can also be suitable for people who need safety.

– Suitable gemstones: Red or orange gemstones such as red jasper, carnelian, bloodstone, red chalcedony, ruby.


Red Ruby


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